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All classes take place in the temple, contact our staff for more information



Dharma is the ultimate truth - a way of living. It must be thoroughly understood by the humanity that there can be no joy in life until this ultimate truth is understood and followed. Our classes help individuals to peacefully deal with the surroundings, by the true means of Dharma 


Gita teaches a million lessons. But foremost of them all - a way of living. Gita is a beautiful manuscript for the mankind. And we, cherish this opportunity of preaching the teachings of Gita and spreading them across the humanity, to understand and to follow. 


To be Hindu is to cherish the truth of life - the truth of 'atman'. We're all inhabitants of the Earth, our individual souls rise and sour high under the guidance of the one Supreme Power 



To meditate is to engage in contemplation. To introspect and understand the true meaning of life - to see the world in reflections of the 'self'. We call the humankind to join us and devote the selves to the Almighty.


There's nothing better that music to reach the Soul. The core of our being is built in rhymes and rhythm. And by means of true hymns, we can talk to the soul, talk to the one above. Our mentors expertise in teach music in a way that one feels connected to the Soul and capable of an ideal existence.


Our traditional forms of dance are more than mere art forms. These are ways to understand our culture and carry forward the same to the world outside. To dance is ti celebrate. Here we are, providing a platform where you can learn Kathak from expert classical dance trainers.

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